Saturday, April 30
Festivities Begin at 5:30 pm with a Special Reception at 5:00 pm
This is the time to come together – not to raise money – but to celebrate that we’re still here.
There is a time to raise money for institutions and causes we care about, like The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis, and there is a time to acknowledge the resilience of our visionary members and friends and to thank them for their generous donations during a challenging time.
Please join us for We’re Still Here: A Roaming Celebration of The Woman’s Club and Our Members and Friends
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Evening Schedule
5:30 pm – The Lounge
Live entertainment with Ginger Commodore, Lori Dokken, and Connie Evingson
Classic Club Appetizers and Libations
7:00 pm – The Theater
Musical Program with Ginger, Lori, Connie, and James Rocco, and Club announcements with emcee Sally Wingert
8:30 pm – The Lounge
Dancing to the Wolverines
Desserts | Coffee | Nightcaps
Tickets: $115 (plus service fee and taxes)
That’s $1 for each year of the Club’s history
Additional Experiences Available at $20 each
A Welcoming Champagne Reception in the newly renovated Presidents’ Club
Sushi & Sake in the Memorial Library
Wine Tasting in the Dining Room includes an opportunity to vote on the Club’s new wine offerings
Please contact Donna Dohmen at 612-813-5301 or donnad@womansclub.org to reserve you ticket and experiences
Parking: Available in Woman’s Club lot and Valet
(carpooling and rideshares such as Uber and Lyft suggested)