Great Decisions: New Industrial Policy in the U.S.
Speaker: Duncan McCampbell
Wednesday, April 20
5:30 pm - Drinks
6:00 pm - Presentation
7:15 pm - Dinner
Will a more involved U.S. Government help revive the economy?
The current discussion of industrial policy in the U.S is not simply about whether or not to support specific companies or industries, but about trust or mistrust of the government and its ability to manage the economy and deal with a rising China. Do we band with western Europe? Do we carve our own course? The upheaval in supply chains during the pandemic exposed weaknesses in the international economy. What policies can the United States implement to deal with trade and the economy?
Professor Duncan McCampbell is an American lawyer and professor of international business and law at Metropolitan State University in Minneapolis. He spent 14 years with the Westlaw division of Thomson Reuters, starting new online businesses in the UK, Germany, China, Australia, Hong Kong and the Netherlands. His professional interests include globalization, international business, non-US legal systems, and corruption prevention. Every year he teaches law and business courses in Chinese universities. He has served as Co-Chair of the Minnesota China Business Council, Minnesota’s oldest China business organization. He publishes frequently on global commercial, legal, political and security issues. In addition to his writing and teaching, Prof. McCampbell leads a business consultancy that helps companies enter new overseas markets.
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